Prepared For Growth?

If you want to grow your community, you also need to be prepared for growth. This is a strategic principle. You can grow the community

The Top Member Is Not The Boss

She answers almost every question within seconds. She posts dozens of times a day. She is in your insider group and gives you plenty of

The Taxonomy Challenge

If you want to have some fun, study the taxonomy of top communities (well, perhaps not fun, but it’s worth doing). The taxonomy of a

Community Strategy Improvements

As we start our Strategy Course this week, here are a few simple tips to make your strategies more useful and relevant. 1) Go with

Stop Chasing Engagement And Build A Smaller, Less-Engaged, Online Community

This weekend, I posted a manifesto on Medium which shares: How many members most communities need to be successful. The numerous problems with chasing engagement.

Spend 10% – 20% Of Your Resources On Monitoring And Evaluation

A good rule of thumb is to allocate 10% to 20% of your budget on measuring, evaluating, and communicating the impact of your community. If

Just Show The Subject Line

The additional snippet doesn’t help much. Members can grasp just by looking at the subject line if they are interested (or have the answer to

Community Management Training (last chance to sign up)

Final email of our series today. And a simple question. Is your community indispensable? Is it even on track to becoming indispensable? Our relentless focus

Change The Context To Drive The Behavior

The easiest way to change the behavior of members is to change the context. If you want members to share resources, don’t send an email

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