Can You Solve This Simple Engagement Challenge?

Many years ago, I was brought in to save a dying community of teachers. I was the third consultant brought into the project. The previous

Top Members – More Questions Or More Answers?

You don’t want to flood the community with superusers to answer a trickle of questions. If all your questions are getting quick responses, you need

Show Them Examples

A quick word of advice if you’re trying to explain the value and concept of community. Show them, don’t tell them. Show them another, similar

You Can’t Launch The Community On A Friday

…nor Saturday and Sunday. That’s the weekend! …nor too close to Christmas (December onwards). …nor in the summer (June onwards), nor too close to Easter.

A Relentless Focus On The Long-Term

You need a long-term focus – but it’s hard. Yes, you can answer the question – but it’s far more valuable in the long-term if

Listen To Their Stories

I’ve sat through more than one discussion where a community manager bludgeoned a member by asking them to highlight their superpower. It’s an awkward question

What Does Great Engagement Look Like?

On Feb 24, we’re launching our Psychology of Community course to teach you advanced engagement skills. Even the best community strategies fail if they’re not

What Do You Offer Top Members?

Can you give them direct access to senior staff? Can you empower them to control their niche of the community as they want? (this includes

Using Data To Determine The Best Managed Online Community

Beginning in 2019, we began scraping millions of data points from dozens of top communities to find the best-managed community. The idea was to use

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