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“I don’t know how to start discussions”

This happens most often when you’re launching (or reviving) a community for a topic in which the community manager isn’t an expert. Some things help:

Thoughtful Personal Invitations vs. Mass Emails

One of my clients recently launched a new community focused on a very small (but very important) sector. We had done the surveys, interviewed dozens

The ‘Let’s Try It Ourselves’ Problem

Every few months a prospective client, working on a new community, will invite us to submit a proposal, see the cost, and reply along the lines of:

“Thanks, we’re going to see how it goes and we’ll let you know if we need your help”

Which makes perfect sense if you feel you can make it work without help.

Philosophy on Training

Philosophy on Training

et’s talk briefly about training and courses.

I spent two days last week at a public speaking workshop.

It was incredible. I learned techniques (and a mental framework) used by some of the best speakers in the world.
This has improved every talk I ever do for the rest of my life.

FeverBee’s Target Audience Matrix

FeverBee’s Target Audience Matrix

I want to spend the next few weeks talking about strategy. We often have the entirely wrong idea about what strategy is and how we

What Do Big Wins Look Like?

Consider: Google traffic represents 50% to 90% of new visitors in most communities. It’s criteria is rapidly evolving. Motivation drives every single contribution to every

Video: An Amazing Introduction

It’s hard to introduce yourself as community manager for a new online community. You have to be interesting, but not self-absolved. Be confident, but not

To Get More Members, You Need To Give More Autonomy

We chose to join and participate in social groups that support our autonomy. In self-determination theory, we feel autonomy when we can act when we

The Unfortunate Business of Lying To Members Every Day

Last year we worked with a community manager in the most dire of situations. Her product was bad, they couldn’t fix it, and the community

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