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Conceptualization Framework

This resource takes you through the key questions you need to answer to create an effective concept for your community. It provides guidance on how


Do you know what has the biggest impact upon whether a community will succeed or fail? It’s not the platform. A great platform helps, but

Conceptualization: How To Invent and Reinvent A Community That Explodes To Life

Most communities fail because the initial concept is flawed.  If you’ve been thrown everything at the community, and it’s still not working, you need to

Understanding Conceptualization: The Process You Go Through Before You Launch An Online Community

Everything between the moment you establish the objectives and the moment you begin doing outreach to your members is the conceptualization phase. This is when

Losing Them Downstream

There are plenty of gimmicks to get a visitor to register to join a community. You can make them register to see answers to questions,

Testing The Community Concept

Unless you’re building a customer support community, you want a unique, powerful, concept.

For example, a community for authors isn’t a unique concept. A community exclusively for authors of bestselling books is more interesting. As is a community for qualified authors to connect with verified book agents. Or a community for authors of detective novels etc…

Member research can help you come up with good ideas for concepts, but until you test them out you never know if it will really catch on and excite your audience.

Reviving A Struggling Online Community

I’d estimate around 90% of community problems we see are concept problems.

This means the very idea for a community you begin with wasn’t strong enough.

Alas, it might not be your fault, but it’s now your responsibility to deal with it.

The problem is a weak community idea can survive for a really long time on a handful of posts a day. It can be propped up by staff members creating dozens of posts per day to give the illusion of activity. It can be given spasms of promotion in the desperate hope that if it reaches just enough members everything will be ok.

But adding more members to a weak community idea won’t work, you need to completely relaunch or revamp the community.

What Motivates Community Members To Stay Engaged In Online Communities?

At some point, almost everyone looks at their community and wishes they could increase engagement. This usually leads to clever ideas that members might find interesting, but soon the novelty wears off and engagement returns to the same level.

The problem is a failure to properly diagnose why engagement decreased. Much like medicine and engineering, it’s far harder to diagnose the problem than to identify the solution. If you properly diagnose the problem, the solutions usually present themselves.

If It Feels Difficult, You Have A Concept Problem

If few visitors return, if you’re always having to prod and push people behind the scenes to participate, and if activity doesn’t seem to be picking up…you have a concept problem.

You don’t solve concept problems by changing platform.

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