Restricting Group Creation

Letting anyone create a group is dangerous. Your community will soon be filled with lots of empty, inactive, groups. This will make your community look

What You Should Optimize

At best you will gain a 15% increase in the number of registered members by optimizing the registration form. The same is true for most

Harmony Central and Great Expectations

Visit Harmony Central. It’s one of the world’s most successful communities, 15m posts and counting. Big communities like this should have big ambitions. Big communities

Offline communities and online communities

Forbes recently asked; are offline communities the next big thing? Did they ever go away? Our goal is to build communities. We should use the

A Clever Initiation Ritual

CoderSumo has a clever idea. To join their community, you have to solve this simple coding challenge. If you want to restrict spammers, deter less

Use Single Issues With The Right Appeal

The University of Oxford recently launched a community called Global Threads and Opportunities (GOTO). Read this about page: Global Opportunities and Threads: Oxford (GOTO) is

Better Questions To Ask Before You Start A Community

3 organizations last week mentioned the exact same thing; the people we’ve spoken to about this community said they like the idea… If you ask

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