Now you’re on to the final customer service benefit of a community, namely first contact resolution (FCR). FCR is so similar to agent productivity that we almost combined the two. However, we opted against it because FCR is such a widely used metric to gage success and is easy to measure for an organization. The FCR rate is the number of customer problems resolved at the first attempt (i.e. the number of calls a customer service takes to resolve the problem of a single customer).
By exposing customer service representatives to the community, they may be able to identify and resolve a larger number of calls they receive at the first attempt.
This might be through finding a similar discussion topic in the community and seeing how other customers solved the problem. It might be by building a bigger database of customer-supported solutions. It might be by becoming aware of new issues as they are emerging and preemptively developing solutions for them.
Resolving a problem at the first attempt reduces the overall number of calls the customer service team receives. This is the comparative metric we aim to measure here.
You need six pieces of information to calculate this rate. These are:
- Number of calls received by agents ‘not exposed’ to the community per month.
- Number of customers helped by agents ‘not exposed’ to the community per month.
- Number of calls receives by agents ‘exposed’ to the community per month.
- Number of customers helped by agents ‘not exposed’ to the community per month.
- Number of customers who call for support per year.
- Cost per call.
Notice above the difference between a call and a customer. A customer may make multiple calls during any given month.
Community ROI Template
You can enter the information into this spreadsheet here or follow the method below.
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