So far, we have explained how a community can increase revenue and reduce costs. This has largely meant creating or keeping a business and reducing costs. But what about business performance? Business performance lies smack in the middle of the two.
Many organizations launch an internal community to reduce operational costs and improve performance through saving time spent looking for information, sharing best practices, and improving how they communicate.
This is typically achieved through the following methods:
- Document Management/Information Management. An internal community may significantly improve how organizations name documents, tag documents, and store important documents so others might find them. This might save employees within the organization considerable time looking for documents. By one survey, employees at large organizations spend 38 minutes looking for each document. Improved document managed allows the organization’s employees to find the information they’re looking for faster.
- Experts Database. Similar to document management is the ability to locate experts within the organizations who can answer questions relevant to the project. This will save time and reduce the number of emails that are asked of people without the necessary skills or expertise. This requires a system to successfully identify experts. This might occur through previous contributions to the community, tagging experts within the organization, or via second-degree connections (e.g. a member who knows an expert who can answer the question).
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