Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

You Can’t Launch The Community On A Friday

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

…nor Saturday and Sunday. That’s the weekend!

…nor too close to Christmas (December onwards).

…nor in the summer (June onwards), nor too close to Easter.

…nor in January when everyone is just getting back to work.

…nor on Martin Luther King Day, St Patrick’s Day, or any national holiday.

…nor during an annual conference when all the staff are away.

…nor the month before the annual conference when everyone is too busy.

…not when you’re about to make a major product announcement.

…nor today, during a major news event.

…nor during the middle of the election cycle.


The launch day isn’t important, launch it at 11pm on New Years’ Eve if you like.

It really won’t matter. The sooner you launch the better.

It’s your plan for what happens in the weeks and months after launch day that matters.

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