Spreading Yourself Thick

Ben asks what to do if you’re unable to respond to every query from member, moderate all the forums and create enough content. What happens

A Basic Online Community Wireframe

The design of most online community sites is terrible. Aesthetics is put before function. It’s not clear to visitor’s what’s new in the community. You’re

14 Events You Can Organize And Celebrate In Your Community

Shared experiences are vital for community development. They solidify bonds, stimulate activity and provide easy sources of content. VIP speaker/live-chat. You have a guest-chat coming

Planning Every Day

It’s important to have a plan. I prefer to plan for every single day. This morning the plan might include approaching 10 people to join

3 Years Later

Do you realize that your community will take years to develop? I know you do. Everyone does, but they still try to rush the process.

The Dead Link

Don’t think of the community manager as the link between the community and the company. It encourages the company to keep the community at a

Important Lessons From A Failed Community

There is a lot wrong with iParents’ story. In 2009, iParents was a community of 70,000 parents and growing. Venture capitalists promised to invest $3m

The Problem With Incentives

Incentives are usually a bad idea. Many communities offer members incentives to join. Sometimes those incentives work and lots of people join. But it’s a

Integrating Your Community Into Your Business

You don’t bolt a community on to your business. You integrate the community into your business. This means changes. You need to change your company,

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