What Tasks Should Online Community Managers Prioritize?

Recently I mentioned you need to plan your day in advance. You can only do this if you know how to prioritize your work. Which

2 Community Rules Of Thumb

If your employees wont participate in the community your creating, it’s usually a safe bet that your customers wont neither. If you can't get your

Who Do you Want To Promote Your Community?

A tweet from a top celebrity isn’t going to create a sudden surge in people joining your community. However, a single e-mail from a respected

Join A New Online Community

Would you like to join a new online community? I’m not so sure. Of the many reasons to join a community, new isn’t a strong

Positioning: The Vital Element Of A New Community

Don’t compete head on with an established community. You need a different angle. If there is already an established community in your sector you needs

In The Same Room

If you have the resources to get your members in the same room, you should absolutely do it. It will jump start your community efforts.

How To Convert Mailing Lists Into Active Community Members

You might be lucky have a big mailing list at your disposal to get your community started. It’s tempting to announce the launch of your

Twitter & Facebook

You're probably not maximizing the effectiveness of Facebook/Twitter to promote your community. Most people use social media channels to promote the latest content in the

Learning From Craig

I wonder how many people would want to be a community manager if they knew that this wasn’t far off. He was going through emails

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