Pride and Potential

The Strategic Community Management Program

Tomorrow, we’re raising the cost of our Strategic Community Management course from $675 to $750 USD. However, I want to briefly explain why most of

If You Don’t Communicate, Members Create Their Own Stories

Around 18 months ago, a client’s community points system failed.

All members had their points reduced to zero.

The client spotted it at the weekend, filed a report to their vendor, and waited for a response.

On Monday, a member created an angry post asking why her points had been removed.

Explaining The Rules vs. Explaining the Enforcement of The Rules

A year ago, I was invited on Al-Jazeera to explain why Facebook was so secretive about their rules.

The answer is they’re not. Nor is Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, or any other large organization. Some form of terms and conditions, community standards, and rules have been publicly available since the very earliest days of each platform.

They are secretive about how the rules are enforced.

Your Members Really Want To Do Things That Matter

I think is one of the best brand communities in the world. Can you guess why? It might take you a second. The discussions

What’s Coming Up?

A few things coming up.

SwarmSydney takes place on August 30 – 31.

I’ll be (briefly) in San Francisco and Palo Alto from Aug 30 – Sept 6. If you want to meet, drop me an email.

On Sept 9, I’ll be speaking at Unblock Community in Hong Kong. Tickets are still available.

Beyond Engagement: How Top Community Pros Build Their Strategies

Most of our work over the past year has been focused on community strategy.

A lot of people running communities aren’t sure what they should be focusing on, what goals they should have, or what their community can become.

This is the reason we don’t get the support we need and our communities often achieve only a fraction of their potential.

Most of the time, people don’t even know what resources they need to ask for to achieve their goals.

This post is going to help you think about this problem the right way and explains the concepts we cover in depth as part of our Strategic Community Management course.

Brainstorming Groundbreaking Community Concepts

When Amino first launched, it wasn’t possible to share outbound links. That’s nuts….almost every community lets people share links in increasingly novel ways. But take

How FeverBee Helped Mayo Clinic Revive A Dying Community And Increase Participation By 300%+

This post is going to explain how FeverBee’s Strategic Community Management course helped Colleen Young at the Mayo Clinic revive a dead community and increase participation by 5000+ active members.

You Work On Desktop, They Visit On Mobile

The conversion rate of

A client was seeing a steadily declining percentage of new visitors registering join the community. This isn’t unusual. Most communities have a natural downward curve

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