Don’t Answer Every Question, You’re Not Customer Support

Don't be a customer support rep

I recently met with a small community management team whom spend around 80% of their time responding to their members’ product questions. This isn’t community

Designing A Community Strategy – FeverBee’s Project Plan Template

A sneak preview into the project plan we use to design a community strategy

We use a similar project plan we use for most of the clients we work with. We don’t go through every step with every client, but the

First You Get The Engagement, Then You Get…

…a big headache.

One retort to Friday’s post is you need a highly engaged community before you can get them to do the behaviors that matter.

This works better in theory than in practice.

Twitter Is Caught In The Engagement Trap (and you probably are too)

Twitter removed the first bundle of bots recently and it’s share price DROPPED by 20%.

It still has the same number of (real) people, just now they have less spam and fake news to contend with.

But investors don’t care. All they see is the number of active Twitter users is down. This does make sense. It’s the same number Twitter has aggressively pushed to justify its value.
Now Twitter is discovering it’s very hard to switch to driving outcomes that matter because investors are used to measuring Twitter by simpler engagement metrics.

Crowdsourced Competitions

Crowdsourced competitions are widely misunderstood.

Visit any major crowdsource effort and you will find only a tiny percentage of ideas are ever implemented. Most contributors don’t have the skill, knowledge of your products, or understand your company’s constraints well enough to develop a fully-formed idea.

Driving New Customers To The Community

You want new customers to find your community as quickly as possible.

This is one of the biggest missed opportunities for communities around products and services.

New members are going to have a lot of questions, face a lot of uncertainty, and are your most likely segment of customers to drop out. Small increases in retention rates have a big increase in profit.

The Problem with HealthUnlocked

HealthUnlocked had an interesting idea. Let health partners create groups on their platform targeted at specific patients. If it works, they would build a community

Is Anyone Doing [x]?

I sometimes dread posts like these: It’s posted with good intentions and doesn’t break the rules. But it’s clearly not a good post. If you’re

Without A Community Strategy….

Without a community strategy, you’re letting yourself and your community down.

You’re making it more difficult for others to take you seriously.

You’re making it impossible for your colleagues to know how the community helps them and what help they need to offer in return.

You’re making it impossible for your boss and her boss to know what resources you’ll need and when you will need them.

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