Elements Of A Community’s Strategic Plan

[section] [aside] Elements of a Community’s Strategic Plan Overview [/aside] [article] When we talk about community strategy, we are usually talking about the strategic plan.

Why Create a Strategy?

Why Create a Strategy? Strategic Community Management Not many community professionals writing a strategy have seen one, written one or studied one in depth. This


[section] [aside] Overview Strategic Community Management [/aside] [article] Welcome to FeverBee’s Strategic Community Management resource. Strategic community management is a new way of thinking about


[section] [aside] Introduction Overview [/aside] [article] Our research uncovered a common story. It might sound familiar. The story begins with a community professional who spends

Calculate Your Community’s Value (free spreadsheet package)

If you don’t have time to develop complex formulas to calculate the value of your community, we’ve created a free spreadsheet package to do this

How To Calculate The ROI Of Your Company’s Online Community

We’re nervous, excited, and proud to launch this free resource today. This is a 40k+ word guide to help you: Understand the value your community

Leaving Potential On The Table

Leaving Potential On The Table

Communication (between members) is the most important part of a community, but it’s not the only part. Don’t stop at a simple forum. Push your

Direct Impacts and Search

Direct Impacts and Search

Our visitor numbers have risen by about 25% in the last month. This wasn’t too much of a surprise. We hired an SEO consultant last

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