War On Kittens

If you follow your data to maximize engagement, you will fill a community with listicles, frivolous discussions, and kittens (probably). You can spend your days

Document How Every Page Is Used

Most communities have far too many pages. This is bad for the user experience (and bad for SEO). Take a few minutes during lunch to

Reputation Signals And Resumés

Reputation Signals And Resumés

StackOverflow introduces one of the most impressive new community ideas in a while; technical resumés. Members can now create a story based upon their score

What Can You Achieve With 1 Hour Per Week?

What Can You Achieve With 1 Hour Per Week?

We spend a lot of time training non-community people to become community people. This is usually people with multiple roles and have less than an

Going Tribal

Going Tribal

Going tribal is always fun. Tell a group what they want to hear. Tell them they are special and unique. Tell them they are the

Boxing Against A Tidal Wave

Boxing Against A Tidal Wave

You can’t knock out a tidal wave. You might land with a few good jabs, but the tide of water will eventually crush you (and


[section] [aside] Sponsor Overview [/aside] [article] Community Cloud is a powerful business and collaboration platform that’s built right into Salesforce’s core trusted platform — so

Three Trends To Note

Three Trends To Note

Some observations from our research. The first is around 75% of external communities today are based around customer support. These are the ones hosted on

Get The Audience Involved Early

Get The Audience Involved Early

The 1970 Danish Planning Act required all architecture projects to consult the inhabitants and users of the area at the earliest available opportunity. It’s a

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