Waiting A Little Longer

If you wait long enough, a better platform will come along.  If you wait even longer, an even better one will emerge. The cost of

Too Great Expectations

If you haven't seen our new courses for professional community managers, click here.  It's better to set expectations low and get better rather than set

New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago

A simple one. Run a database query, use Mailchimp, or any other tool to highlight members that live in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago*. 

Victor Frankenstein

Seth Godin’s Triiibes is closing. It’s survived 7 years, which is more than most communities.  In the last few years, membership dwindled, activity declined, and

The Thermostat

The thermostat here in our room checks that the temperature stays below 21’c. If it rises above 21’c, a signal is sent to the air

The Leader Is Great, Right?

If employees like and trust management, a top-down internal community push works well. Everything the employees already thought is confirmed. The CEO wants to hear

Narrow Questions

The temptation is to go big and tackle the biggest questions in the field. This leads to a lot of opinions, limited agreement, and no

Let’s Meet Up and Watch the Chess Boxing World Championships

It’s a real sport you know? Meetups help members bond and exchange knowledge, but you should pick just one. If it’s knowledge exchange, book a

Nothing To Show For Lots Of Participation

If you ask how a branded community increases loyalty, you might get a response like this.  "Participation > ? > Loyalty" Participation doesn't lead to

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