Signals and Kinship

Who would you ask to watch your laptop for a moment? All things being equal, we pick the person most like us (looks, acts, speaks, thinks like

Two Directions

You can appeal to the more hardcore members. Remove the entry-level material, ask the more difficult, technical, questions, raise your standards for what’s an acceptable

There Is No Magic

Don't hope people will magically hear about the community, go find some people and tell them about it.  Don't hope visitors will magically decide to

Does It Flatten?

Eric shares some incredible stats on Google+ Just 5.5% of Google+ users have ever made a post.  Of these: 84.9% made 1+ post 25.5% made

2 Years Building Political Support

8 years ago, a digital consultant was hired by the United Nations to explain how we should do digital engagement.  His reported explained we needed to

The Big Junction Moments

It’s easy to be a back-seat driver. You give advice when you can focus on a single decision, with all the information on your lap.

A Member Is Just One Option

There’s no rationale behind calling them ‘members’. That’s just the default.  Just by changing the name, you change the nature of participation. This is known

Rhinos and Elephants

Rhinos and elephants have a thick skin, but it’s highly sensitive to insects and sunlight. They feel every insect bite and constantly coat themselves in

Future Banned Users

Webinar Tomorrow: At 10.30am PDT tomorrow (1.30pm Eastern, 6.30pm UK), I’ll explain 12 simple social psychology hacks to rebuild customer and employee loyalty. It’s my first

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