Problem Resolution And Improving Life

Martin Seligman noted that psychologists traditionally identify and resolve problems . Little thought was given to using psychological principles to improving the quality of life

First Contact Familiarity

A friend did two workshops last year.  In both, few participants knew each other.  In the first workshop, she divided participants into groups of five

Basic Principles Of Building Online Communities

It’s a new year, so let’s revise some basic principles of building successful communities. 1) Create a powerful concept. The concept is what the community


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The Science Of Successful Communities (London, Feb 20)

We've almost completed our line-up for the 2014 Virtual Community Summit in London.  Our goal is to ensure attendees master the scientific principles to increase

Does It Look Bad If The Community Manager Is Too Active?

In new communities, we aim for no more than 70% of the latest contributions to show up from the community manager. This declines rapidly as

The Strange Nature of Trust And Participation

The source of the information is surprisingly less important than the cues we use as heuristics to determine it's validity.  We need to feel that

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