Naming and Shaming

Too often we focus on recognizing the top contributors. Yet this isn’t very effective. These people are already top contributors, does giving them recognition significantly


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Facebook Groups

Facebook pages hold little value to community building.  Facebook groups is a different matter. These have three big advantages over any other platform. 1) Audience

Value Of A Single Member

Forums devoted to video games usually aren't worth much. Gamers don't click on ads. They resist any form of control. They're as likely to hurt

Mastering The Psychology of Communities

Technology changes a lot. People are relatively the same. If you can master the behaviour of people, you will forever be able to build bigger,

Most Community Professionals Can Use Data Better

There isn’t a clear link between data we collect and actions we take. We recently discussed metrics in CommunityGeek. Everyone can identify metrics they measure, but

How To Make More Accurate Predictions About Future Community Growth

Most predictions are wildly optimistic.  5000 members after one year, 15000 members after two years. Even if you could get this many registered members, only

Making A Strong Argument And The Dilution Effect

The marketing of your community is much stronger if you focus on one core message and don’t include minor or irrelevant information. In The Social

Look For A Member’s Experience And Expertise

Do some research into the last 10 members that registered. Look up their names, usernames or e-mail addresses on Google. Identify their LinkedIn, Twitter, or

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