Good Dreams And Increased Status

It’s better to discuss the dream of your community, than dwell too frequently upon specific actions it takes. How will the world be different in

Swarm Sydney

This is a quick reminder. I'll be in Australia this week speaking at Swarm Sydney. You can learn more about Australia's first community management conference,

Does Your Community Have A Strong Future?

Communities are based around a strong common interest. Will the number of people interested in your community’s topic rise or fall in the future? A

High Value Community Management

What can you do that an intern with a few weeks training can’t do? If you spend your time welcoming members, removing spammers, responding to

The Process

A recent client is frustrated with the community development process we co-created. She’s fed up of messaging dozens of people every day. She’s tired of

A Radical Change In Our Approach To Branded Community Platforms

Too many sites make the same mistake as TasteTheGlenLivet (below): This could be a thriving online community. They claim to have 20,000+ members, but few

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