Tiger Island

Tiger Island isn’t really called Tiger Island, it’s called Rapota. It’s one of the Cook Islands. It was named Tiger Island by the producers of

The Best Article About Online Communities

If you’re eager to build online communities, the best article you can read is Sense of Community by McMillan and Chavis. This article holds more

Businesses That Desperately Need Online Communities

If your product is better when shared, you should really have an online community. University would be terrible if you experienced it alone. Loners usually

Key Dates Your Community Can Celebrate

These are some things your community can celebrate each year. Birthday. Your community should have a birthday. Plan some small events, give presents to the

Don’t Be A Celebrity

You shouldn't be a celebrity in your community. It's perfectly ok if the majority of your community have no idea who you are. Your work

Employees and Online Communities

Apparently employees shouldn’t build their own online communities because: It would be easy for recruiters to identify the company’s top employees and poach them. The


A moderator keeps things normal. A moderator removes the extremes from the community. Moderating isn’t as hard as moderators would have you believe. You can

An Opportunity On Your Holiday

Holidays are great opportunities to find people willing to be more involved in running your online community. Share a calendar of when you’re not going

Shut Your Community Down

Why not shut your community down until the New Year? I’m serious. Shut it down. Tell everyone to spend the holidays with their families instead.

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