A first class upgrade

I was upgraded to first class once. It was on the way back Texas. A young girl’s tray table had broken and she wanted to

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I Want To Work With Seth Godin Dot Com

Some opportunities are too good to miss, and I’m throwing my hat in for this one. This summer Seth Godin is offering five summer internships.

A new digital agency model

I’m keen to see a new type of digital agency evolve. A modern model which looks a lot like this: At the ground level, is

Beat SEO experts with a stick until they go away

We’ve let the myths of SEO steal away our business long enough, and it’s high time to put an end to it. Today, SEO is

Don’t mention that big event in 2012

Did you know you can’t mention the words “London 2012”, “London Olympics” and my personal favourite “London2012.com” in press releases? To use them for such

The top 5 films about PR

I bet you didn’t know I was a film critic? Well I’m not, and here’s why: The top five films about/featuring/vaguely related to the wonderful

Sympathy of Flacks

I think this is a really tricky one, and I’m worried I might sound a tad heartless when I write this. What if you knew

Are there enough content volunteers?

I’m not convinced there are enough content creators out there. To be honest, I’m rather dubious of any marketing strategy that relies upon people creating

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