You can get a lot of people to join a community and ask for help by catering to their needs.
They have questions and need answers to those questions.
“How do I fix my iPhone?”
“How do I get this software to work?”
“Which tool should I use for this job?”
The problem is once you’ve solved that need there isn’t much reason for members to stick around.
Worse yet, what if your members don’t need anything today? Or tomorrow? Or ever again?
While your members’ needs come and go with the tide, their desires are constant. They desire to feel influential, to be recognised, and build relationships with their peers.
If members aren’t sticking around, it’s not because you’re not satisfying their needs, it’s because they’re not seeing the community as a place which can satisfy their desires.
Members will always desire to feel influential, socially connected, and good at what they do. A big chunk of your strategy should be how you not only satisfy the need, but satiate the desire.