Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Earn Their Attention First

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

The most common projects we turn down are those from people who want to create an online community but don’t yet have an existing audience.

It’s very hard to build a community if you haven’t yet earned the attention of an existing audience.

You don’t need a huge audience, but you do need a group of a few hundred people who will happily listen to what you have to say.

If you don’t have an existing audience, the alternatives are to buy an audience’s attention with social ads (expect to spend around $10 per each active member) or create a community concept so risky and so daring people will naturally spread the word.

Generally speaking, it’s best to earn the audience’s attention first. Follow the CHIP process. Create content, host events, interview people, and participate in existing groups.

You will always find it’s easier to start a new community if you’ve participated and supported related communities in the past.

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