Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

A FeverBee Summer: Jobs, Events, Meetups, Webinars, Advice

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

We’re busy on a few things that might interest you.


  • Community & Chinese Food. If you are a London-based community professional (and love chinese food), come to our second meetup on August 28th. It’s free, fun, and a great way to meet your fellow community professionals. You can sign up here.

We’re hiring:

    • A community manager. We’re building an exclusive community for people that love the theory/data side of our work. We’re looking for a community manager to run it. You can learn more and apply here.


  • A community coordinator. We’re looking to hire someone to support our consultancy, training, events, and publishing work. This is ideal for a newcomer to the community profession. You can learn more and apply here.


    • Ning webinar. On August 15th we’re hosting a webinar with Ning explaining how to influence behaviour of community members. You can sign up here.


    • Summer series. We’re hosting a summer series of practical webinars. You can sign up early here.



    • Australia Workshops. We’re presenting and hosting half-day workshops in Sydney next month. We’re going deep into the psychology behind communities. If you’re in Australia, you can sign up here.


  • FeverBee Training Course. On Sept 30, we’re relaunching our training course. Applications are now open. You can learn more here.

Join Our Community

  • Apply for our community. We’re in the early stages of a community focused on the data/theory side of communities. It’s a place for those that love the psychology/data side of communities. If you have good experience and want to apply, send an e-mail to and let us know what you can offer the community.

You can also still download half of our book for free here.

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