Basic Platform Optimization Tips

There are a bunch of basic platform optimization tips. Have a dynamic banner at the top of the page adapted to members by level of

It’s Hard To Build A Sense of Community When The Building Is On Fire

Follow up to yesterday’s post. If your members are angry, you’re not going to build a strong sense of community. An acquaintance at Ning spent

No-one Joins For The Sense of Community

It turns out, people don’t join health and support groups for the sense of community. They join to get useful information. This broadly applies to

Delivering Punishments With Empathy

How members respond to short-term punishments (posts being removed, suspensions etc…) is a strong indicator of whether they have a long-term future in your community.

Not Replacing The Community Manager

Can’t the community manage itself? No, not really. It won’t usually welcome newcomers by itself. It won’t update the technology by itself. It won’t check

Planning For What Happens When It Doesn’t Catch On

There’s a dangerous myth that a community either catches on or it doesn’t. Almost every prospect we’ve spoken with has treated their community as a

FeverBee Case Studies

Too many organizations have case studies that are little better than a short testimonial confirming the organization did indeed do some work with the brand.

Losing Them Downstream

There are plenty of gimmicks to get a visitor to register to join a community. You can make them register to see answers to questions,

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