Accepted Solutions & Featured Answers

Accepted solutions (answers which are marked as solving the question) are the perfect way for visitors to quickly find what they’re looking for. A member

Changing The Fundamentals

If you want top members to share more expertise than they do today, you’re probably not going to get far by asking them more frequently

I Need Some Help

I admit it, I need some help.

Over the years we’ve taken on some big projects.

Community Strategy
Measuring Return on Investment
Community Platform Comparisons
Superuser Programs
Examples of Brand Communities Database
..and plenty more.

Trapped By Projections

Earlier this year, we spoke with a large brand in the early stages of launching a new customer community. They projected they would recruit 140k

Reviews and Using NPS

By October 2015, Quick Base’s advocacy community was clearly a failure. Surveys showed Quick Base’s customers had remarkably NPS (net promoter scores), but those customers

Community & Staff Training

As your community team grows, it makes sense to increase their skillset through training/courses etc.

But is the community team the only team interacting with the community? (or should it be?)

Shouldn’t far more staff members at least know how to:

How Fitbit Built An Indispensable Online Community

Sharing today one of my favorite snippets from The Indispensable Community.

You can learn how Allison Leahy and her incredible team at Fitbit made their community indispensable.

Bridging vs. Bonding

A bridge provides a connection across a chasm.

You and your team can be the bridge between your organization and the community.

You can shuttle (and filter) information from one group to the next. You can pass and filter information from one group to the next.

Member Segments

I’m often surprised by people who run large, mature, communities and haven’t segmented their membership in any meaningful way. They still treat their communities as

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