Less Content

It’s easy to create a content calendar, you can fill it with items like: Member of the month Member Interview Tuesday. What Are You Working

The Short Game And The Long Game

We can all agree promising $1000 to the top contributor each month is short-sighted.

You will get a lot more activity, but it won’t be good activity. Within a month you will be left with a spam-filled shell of a community.

That’s the short game.

Any time you’re using tactics to get the activity up, you’re playing the short-game. Sure, you need some activity, but it’s far less than we imagine. Beyond a fairly low level, it’s the quality of activity that matters.

The long game improves the fundamental quality of the community.

Don’t Fight Your Fans

I know a car company that once tried to launch an online community. The problem was their audience already had their own communities. So they

Developers And Documentation

Last year we reviewed some research on a developer community. A somewhat crude paraphrasing would go something like this: Q. “What would you like in

Creating A Better Onboarding Journey For New Members [3 Examples]

A staggering number of online communities have terrible onboarding journeys. They usually waste time teaching people how to use the platform, sharing bland welcome messages,

StackOverflow At 10

This is StackOverflow in 2008: This is StackOverflow today (10 years later): The homepage has had a few tweaks over the years but otherwise hasn’t

What Is The Real Value Of An Online Brand Community?

Last week, I presented at the CMX Summit on how to build an indispensable community.

Speaking with many of you afterwards, the biggest takeaway was our approach to measuring an online community. We don’t focus on ROI, we focus on something different entirely.

Today I published my first Medium post which I hope you will check out.

Who Is This Not For?

Everyone gets excited talking about who the community is for.

Everyone gets nervous when talking about who the community isn’t for.

Which segments of your customer base, your audience, your employees aren’t a good fit for the community?

Literally, list them down. Be aggressive about it. The more segments you put on the list the better you can delight those off it.

A Quick Note

Big hero images, large white spacing, plenty of empty areas are all signs of a community designed by someone who prioritized beauty over what members need.

This usually happens when the person designing a community doesn’t participate in it.

Given the choice between beautiful and ugly, everyone prefers beauty.

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