Shaping Purchase Decisions

Shaping Purchase Decisions

Think about how a community influences purchase decisions. It establishes and reinforces social norms within a peer group (e.g. ‘people like me drink coffee like

Plotting Out The Moments

Plotting Out The Moments

Pinching members from existing communities is hard. When you begin studying your members in detail, you usually learn this is the first community for that

Will It Move The Needle?

That thing you’re planning to work on today, will it move the needle in any major way? Will it increase growth, activity or the value

Choosing Between Community Concepts

Choosing Between Community Concepts

Imagine you ask a group of 20 people to rate three possible community concepts. The results come back as follows: Option 1: 3 people love

3 Levels To Think About

The first level relates to engagement tactics. You see a lot of discussion about social media tools and how to use each of them effectively.

The Slow Build Approach To New Resources

The Slow Build Approach To New Resources

The obvious way to promote something new to a group (or community) is to go big. Make a big announcement. This only works when the

How Nextdoor and StackExchange Scale Their Communities

How Nextdoor and StackExchange Scale Their Communities

Mega communities (1m+ members) often face a similar problem. To scale a community they need to facilitate sub-groups. If they let everyone create sub-groups, they

Secondary Benefits And Total Economic Value Of An Online Community

Secondary Benefits And Total Economic Value Of An Online Community

Your community was likely created to achieve a single, major, goal. You’re likely pursuing that goal as effectively as possible. The danger is ignoring secondary

Getting The Terms Wrong

Does your terminology differ from your members? We’ve seen plenty of knowledge bases/tribal knowledge centers/wikis etc…But we’ve yet to see many situations where members themselves

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