Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Getting The Terms Wrong

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

Does your terminology differ from your members?

We’ve seen plenty of knowledge bases/tribal knowledge centers/wikis etc…But we’ve yet to see many situations where members themselves would use this terminology. They usually prefer tips, advice, or information.

Try to figure out what your members would call these areas of your community

Would they call a live interview an ‘Ask Me Anything’ or ‘Ask The Expert?’. Would they call it a product support chat?

Would they refer to content as news or updates?

Do they call their interactions knowledge sharing, discussions, talking, chatting, or something else? Do they even call it a community? How about a club, group, collective, team?

These matter for two reasons. First, it helps members find what they’re looking for if the terminology aligns. Second, it’s a signal that this is the right community for them.

It’s a pretty simple tweak to make.

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