Become A Consultant @ FeverBee (£35k – £40k GBP)

We’re looking for someone with several years’ of experience in knowledge management, innovation, non-profit/B2B/B2C communities to join our team. Our goal is to help those

Why We Start Small

You start small so you can be the most valuable, most relevant, and most useful to a small group. You start small so you can

You Can’t Go Wrong Asking Lots Of Questions

A while ago we posted a sales job with us. Good pay, unlimited commission, great benefits, incredible freedom. I set just one challenge, imagine we

Degree of Control

A great predictor of someone’s likelihood of taking action is their perceived ability to influence outcomes. The more you can ensure they influence outcomes the


In 1681, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the French Finance Minister, gathered the top merchants in the country to ask how the government could help. The merchants replied

Beyond The Vocal Minority

A common story. You ask your members what you want, get some good responses, implement those ideas, and the level of activity doesn’t go up.

Re-Engagement Message

I received this email from recently.   The ‘manage your preferences’ suggests this is a mass email.   However it’s short enough, direct enough,

Psychological Tricks To Control People

You can guzzle from an inexhaustible supply of tricks from the deep well of psychology. You will learn to repeat messages back to people, ask

What Is The One Thing That Nearly Stopped You?

I love this question. For every registration, sale, guest post contribution, someone stepping forward to lead a group, sharing ideas, there will be many who were

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