Dealing With Your Community’s Vocal Critics

Don’t try to please your community’s vocal critics. I’ve had a few conversations recently with owners of large communities worried about their vocal critics. The

State Of Community Management Report

Rachel Happe and Jim Storer at the Community Roundtable have released the State Of Community Management report. It’s free to download and worth reading.

Directly Stimulating Interactions

Interactions are the lifeblood of communities. Without interactions, members can’t build relationships, a community culture can’t be develop, a social hierarchy can’t be established. Without

You Can Now Register For The 12-Week Professional Community Management Course

Today, I’m excited to launch a project I’ve been working on for almost a year. You can now can sign up for the Professional Community Management

The Two Most Common Reasons Why Branded Communities Fail

There are two basic mistakes brands make that ensure their community cannot succeed. Either of these mistakes will kill a community: Launching a community for the

Adding A Community Twist

Local newspapers do this often. They take a national news story and give it a local twist. This usually meant finding someone it affected locally.

Social Media/Community Manager Jobs

You wouldn’t apply for a product buyer/sales job would you? Yet both involve talking on the phone to people in faintly related tasks. Yet they’re

Brands Must Use Their Unfair Advantage To Build Online Communities

It’s hard for brands to build successful communities. Especially if they’re competing against existing communities. You can only succeed by using your unfair advantage. You

Making Major Community Changes – When To Involve Members

If you're going to make a major change in the community, you need to decide when to involve members. Too soon can cause problems in

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