Persuading Members To Update Their Profiles

If you want members to update their profile picture, don’t tell them to do it. Not many people will listen to you. Just set the

The Social Ladder

There is a social ladder. Cool kids on the top, unpopular kids at the bottom. You and I are probably in the middle. New people

A Tip For Recruiting New Members

You’re welcome to wait for members to stumble upon your community. Sometimes you get lucky. Don’t be surprised if it doesn’t happen though. If you’re

Why Health Communities Are So Successful

Nothing is more important and urgent about our health. If our health isn’t good, nothing else matters. That’s great for health communities. But what about

Bad Community Goals

Sven has set his community a lofty target, 2.5m posts by December 2011. It’s a terrible community goal for the new year. So is gaining

Community Goals For The New Year

Most communities don’t give their members enough opportunities to get more involved. You can fix this. Start a discussion thread calling for suggestions from members

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