Interact With Your Community Like A Human Being

Lets banish two phrases from the branded community vocabulary.  “Tell us what you think”  “We want to hear from you”  (or any mixture of the

7 Reasons Never To Outsource Your Community

Outsourcing your community to a marketing agency is a terrible idea.  There are many, many, reasons for this. 7 of the most important are: Agencies

Curate And Increase Your Community’s Expertise

People join communities to learn. Your members are thirsty for knowledge – especially about your community’s topic. Your community must provide that knowledge. You must

Brands – Get The Benefits You Want Without Upsetting Members

The overwhelming temptation for brands is to push to get the benefits they want from a community. You want feedback right? Perhaps increased sales? Maybe

Don’t Start Discussions Like This

This is an extreme version of how most brands go about starting discussions and increasing activity in their community. Please don’t do anything like this:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Launch your community on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.  I prefer Tuesdays.

How To Get Your Members To Invite Their Friends

Asking members to tell their friends about the community never works. Members might tell their friends, but not because you asked them to. So stop

Dealing With Your Community’s Vocal Critics

Don’t try to please your community’s vocal critics. I’ve had a few conversations recently with owners of large communities worried about their vocal critics. The

State Of Community Management Report

Rachel Happe and Jim Storer at the Community Roundtable have released the State Of Community Management report. It’s free to download and worth reading.

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