Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Join A New Online Community

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

Would you like to join a new online community?

I’m not so sure.

Of the many reasons to join a community, new isn’t a strong motivator. A new community hasn’t reached its peak it. A new community hasn’t got the best people to join yet.

If new is the adjective you’re using to entice new members, you’re going to find it difficult to attract members.

So what appeals should you consider?

Help found a community. This appeals to the people that have a high need for efficacy.

Be the first to join a community. This appeals to people that like status. It’s a careful difference from simply join a new community, it implies a level of status as a first member.

Apply to be a community {position}. Create persons that members can fill, let people apply to fill those positions.

Tell us about your {….something…}. Start a conversation that people can participate in. Make sure it’s something people have a strong opinion on, or isn’t usually discussed.

You're going to need a strong appeal to get people to join a new community. Make sure you have one.

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