Why You Should Never Force Someone To Register To See Your Online Community’s Forums

If you force people to register to read your forums, you’re going to lose a lot of potential members. You’re going to scupper your search

Fostering Relationships

It’s easier to point to a website and say “look, this is what I developed”. It’s more difficult to point to two friends and say

Your Online Community’s Birthday

When is your online community’s birthday? August 9th perhaps? If you have a strong online community, you should start planning for it now. Birthdays are

What To Look For When You Hire A Community Manager

Experience aside, most community manager jobs look for the wrong skills. If community building is about bringing a group of people together and developing a

A simple message to all organizations

Budget far more money on building relationships than creating a well designed web site.

It’s The Interactions That Matter Most

Make sure you're always spending the overwhelming majority of time working on elements that directly increase the number of interactions in your community. If you

Kill The Automated Messages Before They Kill Your Online Community

There is no place in online communities for automated messages. Not welcomes, upcoming events or weekly reminders. They’re insincere, lack meaning and do more harm

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