Say Sorry With An Invite

If you have a customer service team, you’ve got a handy list of customers you can apologise to. If you haven’t got a customer service

Invite A Specific Friend

Your members needs prompts to invite friends. But asking friends to invite their friends doesn’t always work. It’s a cliché and it looks selfish. There’s

The Skull And Bones Approach To Bonding Your Online Community

The secretive Skull and Bones society asks all new members to recount their sexual history with the rest of the group. This is a deliberate

Hook New Members When They Register

Give every new member a small job to tackle when they join. This gives all members ownership over a tiny piece of your community. It

How To Find Your Community’s First Members

You don’t want to teach people about your company nor technology right now. These are barriers to tackle in the next stage. To get going,

Christmas Ready

It’s time to break out the Santa Hats and prepare for Christmas. I suggest you create a present using the resources of your community, that

Keeping Members Coming Back Has Never Been So Easy

It’s easier than ever to keep your members coming back. You just need to combine the best of human motivations with technology. If you get

Less Than 50% Is Doing More Harm Than Good

If your outreach e-mails are getting a response less than 50%, you’re doing more harm than good. Seriously, you’re turning potential members (and customers) away

Board Of Directors

Crazy idea, but what if you recruited a board of directors for your community? Recruit a board of experts from a range of different fields

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