You Don’t Need To Be An Expert

You don’t need to be an expert within the industry to build an online community. But you do need the ability to recruit and motivate

Get The Attention Of Every Blogger In Your Niche

Create league tables of the top bloggers in your field. You have the A-List table, the B-List Table, the C-List table and down it goes.

Do You Want To Help Fix It?

People only complain about things they have an interest in. If someone complains about an aspect of your community, ask them if they want to


Nothing you do should be random. You should know why you’re doing everything you plan to do. That means asking “Why?” a lot. Why do

Giving Members Invites

If you run a closed community, you should either encourage members to invite as many friends as possible, or restrict them to one invite per

How To Treat The 90-9-1 Theory

There is a theory that states in any online community, 90% lurk, 9% participate and 1% create. There are different ways you can treat this

Don’t Make This Mistake

Following on, if you do need to redesign the community interface, inform everyone first. Explain why you need to do it and the benefits of

Charlie, Chuck and Vicki

Create a diagram of where your new members are coming from. Then work out who are the connectors, and who influencers these connectors. You need

Building A B2B Community: Appeal To Individuals

If you’re trying to build a B2B community, you need to appeal to employees not organisations. Figure out what motivates these employees want most. Fame?

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