Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Is Your Time Aligned Properly?

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

If your objective is growth, 60%+ of your time should be spent on growth.

This means improving SEO, high-profile guest blog posts, traditional PR, direct invitations, partnerships, paid social, getting the community positioned more prominently and featured on the homepage.

If your objective is retention, 60%+ of your time should be spent on retention.

This means building validated audience segments, satisfying each segment, developing a sense of community, converting newcomers into regulars, giving each member a scalable sense of ownership.

If your objective is internal support, 60% of your time should be spent winning over colleagues, building up stories, having coffees/meetings with others etc..

Make sure the bulk of your time is genuinely spent pursuing the main objective. I’m often amazed how few people are even spending a handful of hours a week pursuing their key aims.

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