Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Where Is That Perfect Example For My Organisation?

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

One organisation wanted examples of communities created by medium-sized non-profits in the animal welfare sector. 

That's quite specific. 

Members of Xenforo forums were disappointed I'd be speaking at ForumCon. I'm a 'blogger' and work with communities created by organisations. They only want to hear from people that run forums similar to theirs. 

In our survey, one person wanted to see case studies from pan-African, multi-language, B2B communities. One large organisation we recently worked with only wanted to see case studies from their own organisation.

The problem with looking for perfect examples is you're going to get a list of competitors that have beaten you to the punch. You can't be second and win. You will fail.

You don't need examples from your competitors and others in your sector. You need a broader picture.

The best innovation occurs when organisations borrow ideas from a variety of other fields. 

Don't look for the many reasons why some elements of a case study aren't relevant to you. Look for the one or two clever ideas you can bring in to your community efforts and lead the way. 

You can't be leaders in your field without leading the way. Be the example that others try (and fail) to copy in the future. 

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