Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

The Social Alternative Strikes Back

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

The University of Gloucestershire called me today. They have two ladies working flat out trying to call every 2008 graduate. They want to know how graduates are doing. It’s a slow, expensive and irritating process.

This is where the social alternative strikes again. They could have made this survey one people want to participate in.

It would be easier to write a Facebook note, asking the same questions, and tag 5 people to answer them. Each person tags 5, who tags 5. It would be easier to arrange a reunion, and ask people then. It would be easier to set up a ‘University of Gloucestershire – class of 2008 group’, invite everyone to it, then ask them in there.

It’s easy to create a community from people who have gone through a shared experience.

There are a dozen applications of this. If your company/service has a high turnover, don’t waste your time calling people to participate in a feedback survey. Start a meme: “5 things i hate(d) about {company name}”. Tag 5 people and watch it flourish. People will be more honest. It’s a self-recruiting meme.

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