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The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

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The Joy Of Technology

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

I was criticised for not having used Google+ hangouts before last week.

Someone who is heavily involved in online communities should know how to use all the latest technology releases, apparently. 

Perhaps, but I’m not so sure.

Any technology that is popular today is going to be easy to use. Technology is getting easier every day. It wont take you long to learn (Google Hangouts didn’t). It wont help much neither.

Being good at technology has zero relevance to being a good community manager. 

I’m more interested in how you start and sustain interactions on a platform; any platform. I’m more interested in how you cultivate relationships between people. 

I doubt that becoming good at FourSquare, Twitter, Pinterest, Quora, YouTube has made anyone a better community manager. 

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