Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Strange sources of inspiration

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

I don’t think anything is more fun in PR than brainstorming. For starters, the food is great. You have a variety of biscuits and doughnuts to nibble on and, if you’re really lucky, chocolate!

There is a lot written about how to brainstorm ideas. The common rules include: don’t criticise ideas – just come up with better ones, be clear about the problem you need to solve to begin with, and set strict time limits for coming up with that idea.

But where does your inspiration come for great ideas come from. I’ve found, more so than anything else, that my ideas have come from the most eclectic mix of sources possible. This ranges from Supermarket Sweep, Thomas Crown Affair, a video of a kitten on YouTube and new twists on successful campaigns I’ve heard about in other countries. There’s a lot to learn from the success of others.

So from which wells do your ideas spring from? Anything especially bizarre?

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