Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Speaking at CMX Summit, New York: June 12 – 13

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

I’m pretty excited to announce I’ll be speaking to 500 community professionals at the CMX Summit in New York on June 12 – 13. 

The CMX Summit is a new event launched by David Spinks to try and advance the community space. The first event, in San Francisco, was a terrific success and we’re excited to be involved this time around. 

My talk will cover the psychology behind successful communities. We’re going to cover the deep psychology behind how and why communities work. I’m going to explain what elements you can add in to make your community more addictive to members.

We’re also going to cover in greater depth the specific tactics you can use to increase the sense of community between members. 

We’re going to be there, the speaker list is terrific, and it’s in New York City. I recommend you sign up: (use code FEVERBEE20 for a 20% discount).

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