If you have a customer database, segment the long-term, loyal, customers from new customers when you invite people to join the community.
The newcomers (especially the people that signed up this month) are going to have a lot of beginner-level questions. In any email campaign or within the product/help center, link to relevant discussions where they can get help from others who have encountered the problem.
Ideally, you want your members to see the relevant question at the exact time they’re about to have that question.
There will usually be a few core areas where people get stuck or seek validation.
The loyal customers need a different approach. You can put a call out for mentors to help answer beginner questions, for experts to share their latest discoveries or for advanced topics to help them master the software.
The motivations of long-term, loyal, customers will be very different from beginners. They need to feel challenged, respected and learn advanced tips (that others don’t have).
(There will also often be a mid-group of customers who need to know they’re on the right track).
Don’t try to segment the group too finely, but have a few core segments you can cater to differently.