Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

New Features

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

Resist the urge to add new features.

Live-chats, picture sharing, collaboration areas, member blogs, and video uploading all usually do more harm than good (and these are just the obvious examples).

Beyond a forum/discussion area, there are few features a community essentially need. Unless there is either a clear demand for a new feature or there is a sufficient social density to get the benefits (more on these in a second), it hurts the community to add them.

With too few members, new features dissipate activity. This causes long-term negative impacts. If 30% of members talk via live-chat instead of via a forum, all discussions receive fewer responses, the community looks empty and loses momentum. That momentum matters more than you might think.

Most new features are added on a whim and not based upon community need. It’s usually better to refine your most used features than add new ones.

So when should you add a new feature?

If you have a highly active community, but the sense of community is relatively low, it makes sense to offer features that will encourage members to share experiences in more personable ways; like a chat room feature.

If members have a low level of familiarity with each other and limited levels of self-disclosure, offering a feature to upload images can make sense. It helps members build trust and familiriaty and spur a greater sense of community.

But adding new features is strategic. You measure which features have succeeded, and which haven’t. It’s not something to be done on a whim. You add specific features for specific reasons. Those are based upon community development.

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