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The Professional Community Management Course

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

How many businesses fail to get their community off the ground?

How many businesses struggle to sustain high levels of active members and keep members coming back?

How many businesses never get the benefits they want from their community?

Looking at the huge number of online ghost towns, it’s far too many. Businesses are wasting their time and money developing communities which have little chance of success 

The single biggest problem

The biggest problem is not enough people know how to build a community for a business. Too often it's left to the marketing team. Too often a marketing-mindset creeps in – which would be fine if fostering a sense of community amongst people was a traditional marketing skill- but it's not. 

We're going to change this.

The Professional Online Community Management Course

On April 3rd, we’re launching a comprehensive course in Professional Online Community Management. This course covers the key skills your employees need to know to develop a successful community for your organization. This course will take your employees through every step of developing a thriving online community.

This course combines expertise in building communities for businesse, proven theory from social sciences, case studies from branded online communities, checklists of steps to go through, resources, live-webinars and, most importantly, hands-on development of their own online communities. 

Pass or fail?

This course is pass/fail. Members can't passively receive information and complete the course. They have to progress through the course. They have to learn, they have to put what they learn in to action and they have to pass. 

This is the first course of it’s kind. This course is aimed solely at organizations that want to train their employees to develop thriving online communities. 


Is this a course you're interested in? Is it right for you or your employees? Click here to join the mailing list to find out more about the course and have the first opportunity to sign  up.

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