Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Create A Unique Journey

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

ModelMayhem is a community with two core constituents; models and photographers.

There are many communities where two groups like this come to meet. 

For these communities, you need them to self-identify on their first visit. You need to create separate user journeys for each group.

What interests one group won’t interest the other. Create different registration pages, confirmation e-mails, and guide them towards participating in discussions most relevant and topical to their unique interest. 

Have two distinct e-mail lists too. Send different newsletters to both groups. In larger communities you might have a dozen unique user journeys depending upon the visitor’s source, identified interests, sub-interests, or demographic/habit/psychographic variables. 

Much more work perhaps, but much more effective.

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