Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

The Inverse Impact Of Multiple Goals

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

Let’s imagine you agree with your boss your community can support multiple goals.

Each goal has 2 to 3 objectives. Each objective requires a strategy. Each strategy takes 1 to 3 tactics to properly execute.

One community manager working alone can probably achieve a decent goal and execute 5 to 6 tactics. But when that becomes multiple goals, 9 objectives, 9 strategies, and 27+ tactics etc…you’re condemned to failure before you begin.

But, wait, it gets worse. More goals mean more time spent planning, strategizing, measuring, explaining, and persuading people internally. That means even less time actually putting in the effort to achieve a goal.

The number of goals should have a direct correlation with the resources made available to you.

If you let your boss or different departments force multiple goals on you without getting any additional resources, you’re doomed. Be careful.

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