Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Targeting Strong Connections

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

This is an online community for Germans over 40.

Hmm, over 40…

I’m not sure that’s old enough to have an affinity with other members. Over 90, certainly. Over 80, perhaps. Over 70, possibly. Over 60 – probably not.

People over 40 don’t feel a strong connection with others over 40. Over 40 and in high-level jobs, might work. Over 40 and without families might work. But over 40, alone, probably not.

When you start an online community you need to target a group of people that would feel a strong connection with each other. As a rule of thumb, the total size of the audience is probably small and the boundaries (i.e. the experiences/skills/knowledge you have to acquire to be acknowledged as a member) are probably quite high. The higher the boundaries and the smaller the group, the tighter the community will be.

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