Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

The Library And the Museum

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

A library consists of a relatively similar collection of books you can access through any terminal. There are some variations, but you know what to expect. Which is why most of us don’t go to libraries anymore.

A museum consists of a unique collection of artefacts not available anywhere else in the world. Museums surprise us with new information and new knowledge. They collect, present, and store information in unique ways. They care about the environment.

Don’t let employees treat an internal community as a repository of information that can be found anywhere else. If you become a dumping ground for yesterday’s information, you’ll be an empty library tomorrow. Don’t become a repository.

Strive to be the museum. Collect reports, data, insights, and documents that haven’t been seen before. Solicit the unique experiences and present each as a valuable artefact. If it doesn’t make the grade, don’t show it.

People should be surprised by an internal community, not bored.

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